Edit This didn’t last long! A day after posting this, I moved to a better, clearer, more modular pattern.
I kept my code nice and tidy while developing my app by using proper namespacing to keep it all organized under sane objects. For objects that I want to be global, I’m borrowing from Objective-C and using prefixes, so NObjThingy.
As I’m going back and fixing broken windows, I’ve taken my utility classes out of the global space and put them behind a nudoru.util.* which is great and all, but now using them is ugly
Back in AS3 land, there was true importing of other classes. Once imported, you could access their methods cleanly. I wanted something like that.
I wrote a simple function that basically does that.
function NImport(context, libArry) { libArry.forEach(function(lib) { var parts = lib.split('.'), obj = parts[parts.length-1]; context[obj] = eval(lib); }); }
Usage is simple
NImport(this, ['nudoru.utils.NLorem']);
Accessing also
console.log('lorem: '+this.NLorem.getText(3,5));
This approach has speed advantages since we they’re local variables and we don’t have to look them up. The usage of eval() is dirty, but it works out really well in this case.
Any thoughts on this approach? It’s solving an immediate problem for me, but has anyone else done this differently?
[…] Namespacing Javascript Code for Great Good […]