This post should have been written back in February! But I’m bad at blogging …
Rolling my own solution was a great way to quickly get up to speed on modern JavaScript syntax and best practices. I think it’s really the best way – for me. But in the end I was never going to be confident in it enough to release or suggest anyone else use it.
I was building more apps and the realization that someone was going to come behind me and maintain these things started to hit home. I’ve been in this situation before, and long term product maintenance and support wasn’t something that I wanted to get into again.
And I was job hunting. “No, I’ve never used React/Angular but I wrote my own thing …” was going to go anywhere. So I quit cold turkey and started picking up React. I’d based a lot of my methodologies on it anyway.
So that’s where I’m at now. As an e-learning developer at Red Hat, I don’t bang out code all day, but React has been great for producing apps very quickly. I’m really happy with it.