Nori Bindable Model

Here’s the super simple bindable model class that I’ve created for Nori. I’ve never actually developed a project with Flex, but I really like the idea behind it’s data binding implementation. I tried to create something similar for Flash/AS3.

package com.nudoru.nori.model 
	import flash.utils.Dictionary;
	import org.osflash.signals.Signal;
	import com.nudoru.nori.model.bind.PropertyChangedVO;

	 * Adds data binding functionality to the abstract model
	 * Usage:
	 * 	To set up a property to be bound:
	 * 		public function set bind_prop(value:String):void
	 * 		{
	 * 			bind_prop_field = value;
	 * 			dispatchPropertyChange("bind_prop", bind_prop_field [, old_value]);		// this is the important line
	 * 		}
	 * 	To bind the property:
	 * 		bindable_model.bindProperty("bind_prop", binding_listener_function);	
	 * 		bindable_model.bindtest = "hello!";
	 * 	The binding_listener_function may any function and as long as it takes the new property value as an argument
	 * This class should be subclassed to create more enhanced functionality.
	public class BindableModel extends AbstractModel implements IBindableModel

		 * Signal for simple binding
		protected var _onPropertyChangeSignal	:Signal = new Signal(PropertyChangedVO);

		 * Map of the bindings
		protected var _bindingMap				:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true);

		public function get onPropertyChangeSignal():Signal
			return _onPropertyChangeSignal;

		 * Binds a function to a property name
		 * @param propName Name of the property
		 * @param setter Function to call when the property changes. Must take the property's value as a param
		 * @param overwrite Will remove existing setters and assign a new one
		public function bindProperty(propName:String, setter:Function, overwrite:Boolean = false):void
			if(overwrite) unbind(propName);
				_bindingMap[propName] = setter;
			// if the signal doesn't have any listeners yet, set it up
			if(onPropertyChangeSignal.numListeners < 1)

		 * Remove the bindings for a property
		public function unbind(propName:String):void
				delete _bindingMap[propName];

		 * Determins if the property is bound to anything
		protected function isPropertyBound(propName:String):Boolean
			return (_bindingMap[propName]) ? true : false;

		 * Called from a setter to notify bindings of a change to the value
		protected function dispatchPropertyChange(name:String, value:*, oldvalue:*=undefined):void
				var vo:PropertyChangedVO = new PropertyChangedVO(name, value, oldvalue);

		 * Listener for the onPropertyChangeSignal signal and notifys bound setter
		protected function handlePropertyChanged(changeObject:PropertyChangedVO):void
				var func:Function = _bindingMap[]as Function;, changeObject.value);

		 * Construtor
		public function BindableModel() 


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