Since Yahoo won’t allow any type of database driven sites for less than $150 a month (dedicated server), and I can’t figure out how to do XML transformations without any type of PHP or ASP (or etc…) – I’m getting as close as I can by using javascript. All of the media, links, listing and photo content is in an array. The functions parse the data and display it. The blogger is set up with a messed up template at and is displayed with javascript. Basically I’m using innerHTML out the ass.
Anyhow, now that form and content are separate, I’ll be doing a few test interfaces. Different ui, but they all share the same 2 data files so the content will be easily managed. Here is the original version 4.
Oh! My. God.
Grafica Obscura: collected graphics hacks. Really cool stuff from SGI! Lumental Forums. awesome 2d and 3d art + artists discussions.
I still need a screen shot of this site in Netscape 6.1 or Mozilla on a MAC. Will a kindly visitor please send it here?