Well, nothing new today obviously. I’ve gotten a few ideas, but havn’t decided on a direction.

I’ve been checking the coverage of WWDC on this Slashdot story. OsX 10.2 looks like the winner that 10.0 and 10.1 should have been all along. It will feature an graphics card enhanced (GPU) Quartz Express ui, but you need a brand new Mac with 32mb of video ram to use it . So all of the


I live in the 9th worst smog filled city in the US. I must visit Ashville more, so much cleaner up there!
There is an interesting discussion on Race vs. “Urban Youth Culture” vs. everyone else here on the Ars Openforum. Page 2 is more insightful than page 1.
I left Progress Quest (see below) running all night and I’m up to level 23! Rock!

My cat is pretty sick. Vet says it’s an upper respiratory infection, but she sounds like a duck. It’s really sad.


Work it harder make it better do it faster makes us stronger more than ever hour after our work is never over.
Play Progress Quest now! This is a great RPG with out all of the traditional RPG headaches. Then, you can kick yourself in the ass for not bidding on this awesome character on Ebay.

New Design Graphik up. I’ll steal a few things and have updates this evening. Nice to know I’ve been on to something with this whole “simplicity” approach. Been doing it for a year!
Work it harder make it better do it faster makes us stronger more than ever hour after our work is never over …


Read this, and never shop at Walmart again. I dated a girl in college that worked at a Walmart pharmacy and she was treated pretty badly. Poor pay, bad hours, bad managers. Big busniess is sucking soul out of the world.

I used Photoshop 7 to make this version of the site. It should have been called 6.5. The new layer modes aren’t doing much for me, but the new text antialiasing options are great. Its got predfined document sizes in the New Image dialog. Perfect for those of use that can’t remember the size of a web banner. I havn’t seen much else that would be useful. The interface and icons are becoming more candy colored … such is the current trend.


New design coming (again) soon. It’ll be closer to what I intended Kakkoii Heavy v7 to be. I’ll have this blog, but also photos and drawings.

The Bravo channel has been running Cirque du Soleil in the evenings all week. How wonderful! I saw it a few weeks ago in Charlotte. Quidam was mind blowing in person .. I fully realize that since I’m watching the tv version now.


My roommate rented a movie called Series 7: The Contenders last night. It’s a pretty smart satire of reality shows with a twist. He picked it up at Blockbuster, so get a copy today! More info …
I wonder how long it’ll take for something like this to happen? It would sweep the ratings.

Whitehouse.org. America at its best!

Oh yeah, then there is this thing about Apple being the spawn of Satan or something. This nut seems to be incapable of determining his view of the world from reality. Maybe OS X is so slow because it has to “o.k.” every mouse click with it’s High Master of Doom?

5am is too early to wake up.