My roommate rented a movie called Series 7: The Contenders last night. It’s a pretty smart satire of reality shows with a twist. He picked it up at Blockbuster, so get a copy today! More info …
I wonder how long it’ll take for something like this to happen? It would sweep the ratings.

Whitehouse.org. America at its best!

Oh yeah, then there is this thing about Apple being the spawn of Satan or something. This nut seems to be incapable of determining his view of the world from reality. Maybe OS X is so slow because it has to “o.k.” every mouse click with it’s High Master of Doom?

5am is too early to wake up.


Ni9e is completely awesome. Nice flashperiments.

You can preorder the new Sony Clie on Amazon now. It’s $599, over $100 more than I thought it would cost. IMHO, it’s not worth paying that much when the 2nd generation (OS5, ARM procs) Palm devices are comming out later this year – but at Sony’s clip, they will have released 4 new models by then.

I sold my Gateway and iBook laptops and got a Sony Vaio GR390. It’s the sweetest laptop I’ve used! Completely recommended. Sad thing is, it had Gator preinstalled. Sigh, now you don’t even have to wait to install spyware.

I almost bit a bullet by adding $250 to my credit card buying all 8 of the Evangelion DVDs individually this weekend at Media Play. Lucky I didn’t with the box set comming out in April. And at only $110! Now … just wait for the 2 movies …


Why, oh why, must the cool Sony Viao models stay in Japan?
Sure, you can buy the MX series in the US, but how about the laptop version: the QR series? Sure, it looks like an iBook, but who the hell cares? That thing is sweet! I’d buy an SR series laptop in a heartbeat! So small and sexxxy and built in Bluetooth to boot! Come to me ….

I need to think about something else …

I traded in my Clie 415 for the 615. Mmmm, color. Can’t wait for the Bluetooth Infostick (a year late) and a Bluetooth cell phone. Getting online from anywhere never got easier. Atleast I can dream.

Such a geek …


Japan’s first ninja school! Real ultimate power!!!!

My girlfriend quit being a vegetarian and started to eat fish. She still won’t eat the land dwellers, but she’s getting there. Now I can eat sushi much more often.

I’m starting to like the Palm platform more than WinCE. At 33mhz, Palm apps are just as fast as their 150mhz PocketPC counterparts. I wish the Sony Palm OS 5 Clie’s would hit so I can stop drooling over the 615.


I am Wonder opens with a great blogger design!

I’m got rid of my Casio E-125 PocketPC in favor of a much smaller Sony Clie PEG-T415. PalmOS is soooooo different (and harder to use) than WinCE, but the devices are smaller and the Sony’s look do awesome! I’ll prolly spend more money I don’t have by the end of the year and get a nice 400mhz XScale based PPC with WinCE .Net and Bluetooth + wireless whenever they come out. I’m such a geek.


Check out the Atari Artworks museum. I just love market rendereings!

I had to install Real Network’s RealOne player last night. I still feel so dirty. I just knew there would be all sorts of dirty little tricks in the installer. It tried to associate every single possible media type with the player, but beyond that, there were no other options. After the install I dug around the preferences and didn’t find anything weird. I looked on the task bar, in the Start Up items folder, nothing there and in the registery, nothing there. Was I bloatware free? Bah humbug! This morning, I turned my monitor on and there was a little RealOne Messages box in the bottom right. WTFF!? There was no option to turn it off only for the headline checking frequency. “Once or twice a month” but no “never”? C’mon!
This is why I like Microsoft products over AOL Netscape or AIM or Real’s bullshit. NO HIDDEN BLOATWARE OR ADVERTISEMENTS! Even the Quicktime player is better! You don’t have a choice with MS (since it comes with Windows) but atleast it doesn’t get in your way and force to look for little hidden links or programs.
RealOne’s UI is really pretty at least.