After a week and a half I finally finished my first real WiiFlash game – SCOMaster. It’s a competative, 2 player learning game designed to be played in a group setting. It illustrates the concepts of assembling a course in an LMS system. Bonus points are awarded for content reuse – they are SCOs after all! Unneeded objects and faulty objects can be sent back to the development team to be reworked – but at a cost.First one to build a completed activity tree wins.
Ben Hutchens, our graphic designer, created the art work for it. It took about 60 hours to program it using the WiiFlash classes that I had developed earlier in the year.
wow, matt, that’s pretty cool. :)
Very nice! How do you access this game on a WII? I’m assuming you post it to a server somewhere and can then access it via the Wii browser? (I haven’t messed with a Wii much, but I’m assuming it can connect to the web for downloads?).
You don’t play it on the Wii, it’s for a PC using WiiFlash.
how can i play this have to see it ??
i’m not going to release it so that others can play it, but i’ll post a game play video in a few weeks.
[…] was finally able to record a round of my SCOMaster game! Recap – It’s a multiplayer WiiFlash game designed to be played with teams in an […]