Thanks to DiK for linking Kheavy!
Bionic Design is cool.
Robot jelly fish … 31337

Iron Chef USA sucks! My god what a complete waste of air time! I can’t wait for Food Network’s marathon this Friday … it’ll get the bad taste outta my mouth.

In other news … the American economy was given a boost this weekend (that’s our excuse) as Ben bought an Xbox (Dead or Alive 3 kicks ass!), Steven bought a mini DV camera, and I bought a PS2 (and Casey, who does not hate her job, was displeased). Long live the techno obsessed public!


I love pumpkin pie. I love pecan pie. I love dressing. I love mom’s home made fudge! I love this time of year: the food the best.

There is a train somewhere near my house … I hear it several times a day. That faint train whistle is almost comforting. After 24 years, it’s a sound of home — maybe I’ll leave it some day. And there are others: Every morning at 8am, a whistle blows at the plant on the river. My mom used to work there. I remember going to preschool and hearing that sound … and now I still hear it as I drive to my job. Small towns …

I think I need a new design for this site … I’m not really interested in the photos, files, or mp3’s anymore. Something blog only. Test 1 kinda thing … only better looking.


Somehow I got myself on a Korean porn mailing list. Every few days I get a nicely formatted html newsletter emailed to me. I must admit that they look much nicer than the American porn spam that fills up my Hotmail account. Maybe, if I spoke Korean, I could get myself unsubscribed?

Kakkoii Heavy 8 is out and it works on a Mac this time. They just keep getting smaller and smaller …

Oh hell! It’s FILLERBUNNY!!!


Last year my grandmother fell in love with a Furby. I wonder what she’d do with an Aibo LM Series? These things are pretty cool! And at only $850, who wouldn’t buy one? I think it’d be a fun toy to have … only what would my cat do with it? The new ERS-220 looks pretty sweet too!

Habitat is a REALLY nice site. It’s just packed with goodies and is very easy to navigate. Kudos to Digit on this design!


This story quotes a warning on Alabama biology books as reading:
evolution is “a controversial theory. … Instructional material associated with controversy should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully, and critically considered.”
It’s sad that they [the Xtian politicians] don’t treat their own beliefs and those of others with such open mindedness. Many people fail to realize that science is a learning PROCESS … gaps in the fossil record only mean that the fossils haven’t been found but will eventually be. I guess these people just need their beliefs force fed to them [and others!] without discovering something on their own.

Thankfully, the Church of Reality is here.

A new project came up at Duke, so now I’m stabily employed again. For a while.